Kat Stacks Exposes Soulja Boy {CRACK!!!}

Why Do Men Cheat?: Is There Some Deeper Meaning That We Are Missing??

Now we all know that women and men are very different.   We also know that women and men have different reasons for doing things.   One of my biggest questions is "Why Do Men Cheat?"   Its simple when women cheat it always falls under the category of "I'm not feeling appreciated", "He abuses me" stuff like that.   But my thing is how come when men get answered this question the look as if they just got asked a trick question.   Their face turns to shock as and they look like a deer caught in the headlights.   Now I'm no Dr. Phil but it sometimes seems to me that men never really have an answer for anything they do.   Though when asked this question they give a response like "You made me mad" or "I don't Know" and to be quite honest I myself prefer the response of "I don't know" because the first one just trifles my buttons.   Now that I'm older and the men my age seem to be more sensitive and it occurred to me that maybe there's something that we as women are missing.   Could it be that maybe they too feel neglected?   Maybe they're unhappy but are too afraid to say so.   I want to believe its not just cause the female was there and u wanted to, although that is sometimes the case.   But maybe just maybe men cheat for the same reasons women do.   Which brings me to this if you're feeling some kind of way towards your girlfriend or wife why don't you speak up?   I mean you have a mouth for a reason, its not just for eating.   But seriously don't you wish that maybe, just maybe if you would have explained to your partner what was going on with you, you would have to go to the clinic to get that special shot, or you wouldn't be stuck with a baby you don't want with a woman you don't want.   I'm sorry but why must men do everything the hard way?   Then they sit there stuck kicking themselves.   Now I know if men and women were the same the world would be boring but sometimes i just wish for once they would be like us, just to make things less complicated.

Kat Stacks is a silly trollop:credits to Natesvlogs

Weeping for The Next Generation Of Women

7:17 PM Posted by Ms. Obscene! 0 comments
Its really sad to say but I'm going to say it anyways, i am weeping for the next generation of  women.   I'm giving guys a break because well guys don't have to worry about public scrutiny like women do and to be honest i don't judge what you do is your business but as someone who wants kids in the near future and a daughter i have to say I'm not impressed nor am i happy about who my daughter is well going to be hearing and watching.   Its bad enough that teen fashion is getting a bit racy for young girls and sex is on every channel you cant get away from it.   Now I'm not saying that when i was young i was innocent,( i wasn't a hoe) but we all have our demons we grow up we learn from mistakes(well some of us do there's still some that need to learn) but we see the mistakes we've made and we grow as women.   But when I see women like Kat Stacks, and Montana Fishburne and Miley Cryus (whose parents need to be shot) i honestly get sick to my stomach.  There are more important things in the world to worry about than your daughter becoming the town harlot.   I would rather protect my daughter from rapists and killers than the TV or magazine.   I want my daughter to enjoy life i don't want to shield her from it but damn seems like a pretty good idea.    Bad parenting needs be called out on, now like i said before i don't knock anyone for there profession but if you openly say that you are the next generations role models and you were a prostitute turned porn star and you're only 18 please by all means shoot yourself.   Lawrence Fishburne is kicking himself I'm sure he feels like a jerk now because well his daughter is dirty little tramp, but that's just my personal opinion.   So i pray that i get boys but i feel bad karma will  bite me in the ass and all i get is girls but hey it doesn't hurt to dream....

nivea-parking lot

Soulja Boy vs. Ice-T;WTF has Soulja Boy lost his mind

12:57 PM Posted by Ms. Obscene! 0 comments

So last night while Skyping with my amazing cousin, showing her all the hilarious videos I've seen I decide to watch "Pretty Boy Swag" I know I know lame right, hey its catchy.   But as I looked to the right hand column with all the other Soulja Boy videos I see something that caught my attention; Soulja Boy diss Ice-T, WHAT!!! I had to watch, so it was basically Soulja Boy watching Ice-T tell him to "Eat a Dick, and he single handily annihilated hip hop".   Ha ha I couldn't help but laugh, but got my blood boiling was Soulja Boys response.   Has this boy lost his mind, does he know who hes even talking to?? Like that's where respect your elders comes in, you don't disrespect the pioneer, the veteran that made it possible for your ungrateful black ass to even be in the Hip Hop/Rap game.   As childish as this may be still though Ice-T has a point, since when was just being about money more important than lyrics and talent, and LOVE for the movement, yes Soulja Boy Hip Hop/Rap is a movement its not just something you can just do cause you made up a funky dance no one cares for how many years ago.   Now with that said I totally get the south has different ideas about Hip Hop/Rap and that's okay but i remember when talent came out of the south not pure garbage.   Yes granted Soulja Boys music is unfortunately very catchy and I taste venom in my mouth when I admit this to people, but I hope he also clearly understands that hes also very cute and he sells with woman cause hes attractive just like Bow Wow, really now we all know he wouldn't have done so well for anyone if well Snoop wasn't endorsing him and well if all the girls didn't go crazy.   But with all of this said I'm sorry but Soulja Boy needs to sit down and think about some things cause when his swag goes away, and his good looks what will he have, his music sucks so he has nothing left to fall back on.  That's why little boy maybe you should have been hitting the books instead of making up a retarded dance, that i am ashamed to say I did like.   Maybe someone will talk some sense into this kid and he learns about the true meaning of what he does and how its supposed to be done.   OH and don't ever let me see another video of you disrespecting any legends, and my homie Ice-T

Thank You

11:05 AM Posted by Ms. Obscene! 0 comments
Good morning everyone it is instead truly a blessed day.   Now i just want to start off by saying thank you to all the people who ever believed in me for doing anything that i set my heart on and that includes you James Wylie.   We've known each other for three years, and we will love each other forever.   Even though we fight more than we laugh, and even though you're with someone and I'm not no matter what for me you will be my first everything.   For the next guy to come into my life other than the whole drama you had put me through the next guy will have to fill some very big shoes.   My thing is that people just done understand true love there is no getting over just moving on.   And for the record James wasn't all that bad and i guess that's why i have high expectations now cause not only was he the smartest man i have ever met but he accepted me inside and out all my flaws and my perfections.   Not everyone gets to say they have a hard soul but he could, if i needed any protection i think of him. Well with all this said I just want to say thank you to him for everything i got to experience real love and I'll never forget that, and i forgave you a long time ago<3

You got Gucci shoes but you ride the bus WTF!! Where they do that at

So I'm on Facebook and I'm constantly seeing these status' say "I got Louis shoes, Gucci belts--blah blah blah".   Now I was never one to brag about the things I have cause well it's not me and bragging is very unattractive.   But what brings me to this topic is I've noticed that the majority of people who make those statements one take the bus and still live with their mothers or are still in high school.   Now maybe its me but its kind of silly when you're 18 and older playing make believe.   I feel if you have the money to blow on shoes your going to get tired of why not buy a car, or better yet move up out your moms house.   See me i know what i have and what i don't have which is why i don't do dumb shit like boast about unimportant things.   And when asked the question of why do you still live with your parents they always say "cus i dnt wanna pay rent" well i understand that but in the real world and since you are considered common folk its smart not to spend money on frivolous things and well be on your own.   Hey maybe I'm being hard on these kids but i cant seem to have a soft spot for well stupidity.   Maybe one of these kids will smarten up, or maybe not either way i had to say something about it.    

Our Daughters Role Models:SMFH TRASH

WTF!!!! This is some over the top straight out the crack house just too much for words.   This young thing right above is none other than Kat Stacks.   The infamous vloger infecting the Internet with her crooked nonsense.   As if 2010 couldn't jump off with out a jumpoff poppin out of well no where to claim she slept with well a lot of celebrities including all of Young Money.   But what makes her a sad tale is well shes f&^%$ stupid! As if being a known hoe wasn't the icing on the cake she blatantly makes herself look just extra sloppy and stupid.   To come out your face and say you FUCKED all of Young Money okay and got paid for it but no wait you want to call them bum niggas on top of that.   Now I don't know about the rest of you out there but in my world fuckin bum nikkas is not something you preach about to the entire world.  You look stupid doing it.  Calling yourself exposing them, no sweety your just giving them status and you get lower and lower.   Like watching this bitch and listening to her go on and on really now can we as the female species give her back, like really give women and well whores a bad name, like they wont even claim you.   Like even prostitutes have standards this bitch just told us basically if u lived in a porter potty but u had 10 dollars she would well suck yo dick.   This bitch doesn't even make me laugh in fact i get sick to my fuckin stomach just looking at her.   And what makes this worse like global warming worse she has a son. A kid my peoples really??? Your son will grow up to not only hear his mom be called a hoe but see how stupid she made herself look and well what the shit she was saying.   Apparently people haven't done nothing new with there lives and its 2010 still trying get famous off being a hoe..Smfh her and Montana Fishburne our daughters role models....

10:58 PM Posted by Ms. Obscene! 0 comments

Up until recently I thought I knew everything there was to know about love.   To go from having that perfect fairy tale love to everything just ending in disaster.   Ive never been married, I admire the idea of marriage.   I admire the concept of having children and growing old together, a love that lasts forever.   To go from being madly and deeply in love to just hating the very person that once made the nightmares go away.   I ended my almost three year relationship with the man i thought i would grow old with.   But unfortunately fate had other plans, he has his family  with someone else.   Its not easy when you're the only one going through it alone. Yes you have your family and friends but only you know how you really felt about that person.   People can only share the experience and advice and they can only go so far with it so in the end they tell you, you need to move and get over it.   But none of that is easy.   For awhile there was nothing out there that was speaking to me, giving me some kind of guidance. So i spent my nights crying in my room to myself, i also spent days screaming at the world and showing the whole world the bitter side of me a side that I'm going to admit I'm not very proud of.   And then one fateful night i see this movie. No this wasn't a mirror this was a mirror, i was watching myself on the big screen, i just happened to be a white divorced woman in her mid 30s. But with that said i sat there and i watched myself, and i thought maybe if i take time to myself Ive never really been single never really had the chance to enjoy it.   I started to feel this sudden urge to want to see what it feels like to love myself experience and enjoy life you only live once and why not.   Its going to be very hard, and sometimes even painful.   I'm going to want to give into the temptation of giving up.   I'm going to give into the demons of not forgiving him and myself. Because its not hard to be upset and control your feelings.   I'm very afraid of loving someone else to do it again will take more than just a new look on life. But with that said i think i will take some time for me and maybe, no i will visit a few extraordinary places in the world and i will eat, i will pray and hopefully eventually i will love......

16 and Pregnant: I Support This Show 100%

3:12 PM Posted by Ms. Obscene! 0 comments
In a world like ours we need shows that aren't just about partying and getting smacked till your brains fall out like Jersey Shore(i do watch this) and Bad Girls Club(i also watch this and not proud that i enjoy it), we need shows that shed light on whats going on in the real world and at home like MTV's True Life and their latest hit 16 and Pregnant and its spin off Teen Mom a show that takes us through the pregnancy of a teen and her journey as a mother and at the end of the season we get to see how they felt and what their feelings where as all the drama was going on. I give it up to these girls it takes a lot of courage to come forth and have whats supposed to b private part of your life out for the world to view.   As a once pregnant teen i know what these girls are going through.   You feel like your world has just stopped and you don't know what to do except run and hide.   Sooner or later every ones going to find out and even though half the school is engaging in sexual activity for some reason they will look at you like the whore.   And the bigger upset to add to these girls endless nightmare of stress is the guys they get pregnant by, and its sad to see these young girls think that maybe having that baby will save their relationship but as we watch through the whole season we see how many tough and decisions these girls have to make, and i have to say its heartbreaking.   but with that said i think this show was a good idea, these girls out here are confused about the world babies are not dolls. Raising a kid is hard and if your not emotionally ready or financially ready you shouldn't be having babies...My Food For Thought

My 1st Post:The Inventer!!!

2:51 PM Posted by Ms. Obscene! 0 comments

Hola Pirates and Princesses, Dogs of the Underworld and Queens of the Empire its me the wonderful, beautiful slightly off balance Lacey...This is in fact my first blog ever!!!! I'm so happy and I'm going to have sooo much fun making you laugh, cry and yes you will be thinking, with today's world trust me we need those noodles working properly.   Since I'm starting out everything will look pretty basic till i get the hang of things and then everything will b upgraded and ready for ACTION. I have a lot to talk about and a lot to address a lot of shenanigans going on and i understand completely that it is 2010 i was there people when the ball dropped so please stop reminding me of the year, but that still doesn't excuse the tom foolery I've been seeing and hearing so stay tuned BIOTCHES cause you're going for a trip