16 and Pregnant: I Support This Show 100%

Friday, August 13, 2010 3:12 PM Posted by Ms. Obscene!
In a world like ours we need shows that aren't just about partying and getting smacked till your brains fall out like Jersey Shore(i do watch this) and Bad Girls Club(i also watch this and not proud that i enjoy it), we need shows that shed light on whats going on in the real world and at home like MTV's True Life and their latest hit 16 and Pregnant and its spin off Teen Mom a show that takes us through the pregnancy of a teen and her journey as a mother and at the end of the season we get to see how they felt and what their feelings where as all the drama was going on. I give it up to these girls it takes a lot of courage to come forth and have whats supposed to b private part of your life out for the world to view.   As a once pregnant teen i know what these girls are going through.   You feel like your world has just stopped and you don't know what to do except run and hide.   Sooner or later every ones going to find out and even though half the school is engaging in sexual activity for some reason they will look at you like the whore.   And the bigger upset to add to these girls endless nightmare of stress is the guys they get pregnant by, and its sad to see these young girls think that maybe having that baby will save their relationship but as we watch through the whole season we see how many tough and decisions these girls have to make, and i have to say its heartbreaking.   but with that said i think this show was a good idea, these girls out here are confused about the world babies are not dolls. Raising a kid is hard and if your not emotionally ready or financially ready you shouldn't be having babies...My Food For Thought

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