Our Daughters Role Models:SMFH TRASH

Friday, August 13, 2010 11:26 PM Posted by Ms. Obscene!

WTF!!!! This is some over the top straight out the crack house just too much for words.   This young thing right above is none other than Kat Stacks.   The infamous vloger infecting the Internet with her crooked nonsense.   As if 2010 couldn't jump off with out a jumpoff poppin out of well no where to claim she slept with well a lot of celebrities including all of Young Money.   But what makes her a sad tale is well shes f&^%$ stupid! As if being a known hoe wasn't the icing on the cake she blatantly makes herself look just extra sloppy and stupid.   To come out your face and say you FUCKED all of Young Money okay and got paid for it but no wait you want to call them bum niggas on top of that.   Now I don't know about the rest of you out there but in my world fuckin bum nikkas is not something you preach about to the entire world.  You look stupid doing it.  Calling yourself exposing them, no sweety your just giving them status and you get lower and lower.   Like watching this bitch and listening to her go on and on really now can we as the female species give her back, like really give women and well whores a bad name, like they wont even claim you.   Like even prostitutes have standards this bitch just told us basically if u lived in a porter potty but u had 10 dollars she would well suck yo dick.   This bitch doesn't even make me laugh in fact i get sick to my fuckin stomach just looking at her.   And what makes this worse like global warming worse she has a son. A kid my peoples really??? Your son will grow up to not only hear his mom be called a hoe but see how stupid she made herself look and well what the shit she was saying.   Apparently people haven't done nothing new with there lives and its 2010 still trying get famous off being a hoe..Smfh her and Montana Fishburne our daughters role models....

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