Why Do Men Cheat?: Is There Some Deeper Meaning That We Are Missing??

Sunday, August 22, 2010 1:35 AM Posted by Ms. Obscene!
Now we all know that women and men are very different.   We also know that women and men have different reasons for doing things.   One of my biggest questions is "Why Do Men Cheat?"   Its simple when women cheat it always falls under the category of "I'm not feeling appreciated", "He abuses me" stuff like that.   But my thing is how come when men get answered this question the look as if they just got asked a trick question.   Their face turns to shock as and they look like a deer caught in the headlights.   Now I'm no Dr. Phil but it sometimes seems to me that men never really have an answer for anything they do.   Though when asked this question they give a response like "You made me mad" or "I don't Know" and to be quite honest I myself prefer the response of "I don't know" because the first one just trifles my buttons.   Now that I'm older and the men my age seem to be more sensitive and it occurred to me that maybe there's something that we as women are missing.   Could it be that maybe they too feel neglected?   Maybe they're unhappy but are too afraid to say so.   I want to believe its not just cause the female was there and u wanted to, although that is sometimes the case.   But maybe just maybe men cheat for the same reasons women do.   Which brings me to this if you're feeling some kind of way towards your girlfriend or wife why don't you speak up?   I mean you have a mouth for a reason, its not just for eating.   But seriously don't you wish that maybe, just maybe if you would have explained to your partner what was going on with you, you would have to go to the clinic to get that special shot, or you wouldn't be stuck with a baby you don't want with a woman you don't want.   I'm sorry but why must men do everything the hard way?   Then they sit there stuck kicking themselves.   Now I know if men and women were the same the world would be boring but sometimes i just wish for once they would be like us, just to make things less complicated.

1 Response to "Why Do Men Cheat?: Is There Some Deeper Meaning That We Are Missing??"

  1. Brittni Says:

    Yes, I agree with this but in most cases men are just dumb and they want to have their cake and eat it too. They always think the grass is greener on the other side when in reality if they took the time to nurture and water the grass they have at home, they would realize that all grass is the same once you take care of it. In other words pussy is pussy learn to work with what you have instead of always trying to look for something new.

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