Keeping It Real Never Goes Wrong!

Thursday, September 23, 2010 11:26 PM Posted by Ms. Obscene!
So I'm the type of person that must point everything out about everyone and not really care how they feel about it. But the awesome thing about me is I can point out my flaws unlike everyone else and I unlike everyone else accept my many flaws. But I just wanted to take the time out to well address somethings I really cant stand and I hope by addressing them I can learn to not let them bother me but also in the end offend someone on the way..

1.) Pointing out my bad attitude
Is it really necessary for you to comment on my bad attitude? I mean if you don't like it and I give it to you almost every time we talk one doesn't that tell you something and two why do you continue to talk to me. Any smart person would have gotten the hint, unless you're one of those people who likes to be well insulted every 5 seconds, I mean it makes no lick of difference to me I don't care.

2.)Calling yourself BARBIE or BAD BITCH
Now I don't know what the big hype is over being one or the other cause simply from the looks of it, it doesn't seem like there's a clear definition of Bad Bitch and well a Barbie.  Are you calling yourself bad based on the close you where or how you look? are u a Barbie cause you like pink, I mean you're not made of plastic I would hope not, but what is it and why would you rather be that than well beautiful?

3.)Making up excuses for you're infidelity
At first women where the only creatures ever to come up with a plausible reason as to why they cheated, now it seems that since men are getting more sensitive they come up with reasons as well. NEWS FLASH man or woman there's no reason as to why you have to break someones heart, if they're such shit heads why are you still with them and what does that make you for being with them

4.)People who are proud to live in the ghetto
Now maybe it was the way that I was raised but I never found it cool to um well be ghetto. So let me get this straight you like living in roach infested facilities, you like walking in the hall and smelling piss everywhere, and you like that at random moments theres a shoot out? Hmm excuse my snobbishness but um yea I like my residence piss and roach free and oh yea I like to walk outside knowing there wont be any random shootings I like my body bullet free thank you.

5.)Showing Me Your Possessions As If I Care
Now I know we all get proud wen we get some fancy new toy but seriously it means nothing if you still live with your mother and take the bus and have a fucked up attitude. I mean all that's for show and you're trying to impress me with things that one I dont care for I'm about substance and quality I cud give two shits if you have Gucci shoes I'm not getting to know you're fucking closet I'm getting to know you, and if you have these possession why is your ass still walking and living wit your mother. FIX YOUR PRIORITIES

6.) Having A Girlfriend But You Want To Take Me On A Date
This one honestly makes me laugh for the simple fact you taking me on a date and you have a girl lets me further know I shouldn't even think of baggin you, now I dnt turn down free food and I wouldnt call it a date but since I know your intentions I further know my role and I'm just your friend nothing more, stop living in la la land please.

7.)Thinking You're A Rapper
Now I know this is the new wave, apparently and everyone wants in.   Just cause you see Soulja Boys whack ass making hits doesn't mean it will work out for you.   You cant rap give it up and for the bitches suckin your dick um well they're hoes either way and they would fuck you rapper or not

8.)People Who Comment On Females Who Have Tats And Smoke
I'm going to make this short and sweet, I dpn't give a flying fuck what you think bout my tats and I also don't give a shit how you feel bout me smoking if you drink or do w.e you shouldn't talk you sound dumb

9.)Quoting The Bible-->As If You Really Go To Church
I hate posers and I hate people who go on twitter saying RT if you love God....Now maybe its me but if I don't love God that tells you I'm Satins Lil helper? On top of that half of you aren't even saved and don't even follow the bible actually some of you are well hypocrite's, you cant quote scriptures then turn around and do #TwitterAfterDark-->its ass backwards

10.)Giving Advice When Not Asked For
This one puts a mean mug on my face.   When I'm talking to someone and I clearly don't ask what they think, why do they feel the need to give it to me anyways.   Did I invite you to share your two cents? no so why are you well lecturing me.   Your comment wasn't asked for I personally don't care I'm talking to you so you can be an asset and just listen, at this point u are to b seen not heard so to say and you giving advice is adding fuel to my fire. Just shut up and listen, do what the whores do I dnt wanna hear ur life story I just wanna fuck.

Now inevitably some of these will always stick with me but Im sure i can ignore the majority and not complain and vent like I have been told, but you have to admit everyone has pet peeves and well some things are hard to ignore.

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